let me take you on the ride of your life
Green Lover is back!(:
RP student
Business Info System
is her study
Lovable sixteen
Happy-go-lucky saggitarus
1 year older on 2nd December

say it out

Friday, November 6, 2009 6:26 PM

Ouh well apologies people for the late updates ): seriously I have been very busy with school, work and adverts for both school and outside. Well oh well Maths today wasn't that difficult as I thought it would be but it's more tedious. Well I reached school a little later (as per norm xD) and I break the promise to come early. Sorry Qais :P

I'm easily hungry nowadays which I don't know why. I will always eat something heavy during my first break. Yes i'm getting fatter I know :P but okay i'm trying to lose weight now because after the morning heavy beakfast I would skipped my dinner or I wouldn't eat anything at all. (: alahh but who cares :D anyway, darren was so funny la.. he hyper ventilate when he meets his eye candy... aww.. all of us were so near to ask his eye candy her number but darren back out -.-
Well while looking at them making noise I was standing one corner, then there was this guy who walk in front of me and say "nice shoes" with a cheeky smile on his face. My response was like "thanks ehk!!". I told hajar and she was like laughing her heads out. But seriously that guy was uber random. -.-

Then we came back class, and ate our waffles that we bought at southfood court. (: i had my chocolate waffle! wee~ then I was rushing doing maths ppt and managed to finish everything on time! great work team! we were the first team to present and yea it was a very simple concept overall which i think most of us get it. After school I met up Ardila dear and here I am still in school blogging. Peace and serenity, that's what I like about this school. (: Well there, here you go Ivan an update (:

p/s: people I won't be updating regularly since i'm having my UT.

aites take care peeps! bubbye... ((:

shit everyone knows my weakness now -.- damn you darren!!

Web and New Media Monday, October 26, 2009 8:53 PM
Today's Web and New Media and we changed teams today. I had fun designing a new website for the cake shope. Basically the message that we want to tell the people out there about our new webpage is that we want to showcase that this company is actually providing courses for cake decorating (: and I think most of the team did preety well today.

Basically today my team members are Darren, Michelle, Alvin and also Qais. And what I enjoyed most today is that I can bully Soe and also Darren today wee~ hhaha.. And of course I had my morning breakfast with pakcik becok and the makcik becok {referring to qais and hajar} They are both funny babes! seriously i had fun joking with them both and best part teasing qais and he will keep on smiling and smiling and we keep calling each other becok/chatterbox.. Evil... Qais!!

haha.. nothing much today actually, I accompany ardila back home and ate roti kirai at her place.. yummy (: then she went off to work and i went home.. but the best part today I HAD MY DELICIOUS DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHIP FRAPPE! :D it's simplyy just lovee<333
well okay to end of today's post I post up my design website for today's problem. take care lovable visitors!

skoolz Saturday, October 24, 2009 3:42 PM
Don't you all just think that I should just cut my hair to dat length? :D
change topic: I dunno why but I'm easily sick. Ya having running nose and cough now, these viral disease just love me so much. I've got flu thanks to Mr.Norman my maths facilitator, and my cough I got it from my brother. And okay it's Saturday today and I'm having a headache currently and i dunno why. Pain! Pain! Well school hs re-open ya, i know its kinda late to tell you guys this but my sem 2 class is great :)

I think I'm the loudest girl in class la like seriously and also the youngest *insert peace-sign* Yes I'm still sixteen plus plus, but this give an advantage to the rest of my classmate to bully me and call me the sixteen year old girl -.-" But anyways I love my class. Let me give you all a brief idea of what are the modules that I'm taking:

Web and New media- one of my favourite module in this sem. Basically is about making websites and improving it (: It's just loveee!

Communication- & ouh yeah! its fav too because the facirocks the hell out of me! she's one hyper active faci. her class is never boring!

Marketing- I dunno why even this module kinda plain and dryy but I love the way we have to structure our stratergies and all that stuff it's cool (: for elective module next year I hope there is entrepreneurship since, ardila make it sound so exciting

Cognitive- intresting subject where you can debate untill tomorrow morning trust me! but the faci kinda suck! she is slow, and really make us confuse even more. -.-

Maths- Our gay faci! uh huh.. to me his okay.. managed to explain to us the concept well and basically from our first lesson I gotta know he likes basketball and like cats but he can't have then because his living in a hdb flat {reason which i find kinda ridiculous} but ya it's him.

So ya you see, I'm always looking forward for Monday eventhough it's monday blues. I just enjoy being in this sem class. (: Well my headache is seriously bad. Will update more some other time. Take care and goodbyee.! okay filzah i've updated my blog it's back alive (:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:06 PM
Hello everyone! I know I have not been doing a proper update. Well today shall be the day I do so alright? teeehees :) well last week was a hectic week. I was busy through out juggling with work, people coming to my house for house visiting, dinner and also kbox with the lovelies.

wednesday- kbox day with japenese dolly rdyla & hawt mama cherl
yeah! trust me we had great fun. we sang our hearts out that day. i can say we sing alot of songs from 2pm to 6pm you can imagine what we did. hahha.. but before we went for karoake we ate at Breeks. umm.. the food is yumalicious and we end our meal with the delicious chocolate fondue! mmm.... YUMMY!

thursday- dinner at royal plaza on scotts
okay yes it was a dinner by my company or in another words retreat at the hotel. we had a line buffet with all the different types of serious yumalicious food! steadyyy uh! trust me we are all bloated by then *wink*

friday- work
there wasn't anyone at the shopping centre. everyone is:
1. busy working
2. busy house visiting
but we managed to have some sales but saturday was the best! i made $680 on that day. it's not easy to make sales these few days since it is hari raya festival :P

okay and of course now the pictures (:

p/s: Eh wait.. I didn't declare that i change my hairstyle right? yup i did.. do take a look and comment. i look rounder a little. agreed (:

food comes first!




i just went wacky!




& uh huh with the hawt japenese doll
and the adourable us
love and kisses! muacks!
yes the car is mine! RED!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:05 PM

Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims!
& to all my lovely frends have a nice day!

Sunday, September 6, 2009 3:25 AM
and i've seen it happen...

idiot sia hahhaha! Thursday, September 3, 2009 12:54 AM

Guys you should all watch this video.. It's super funny!

You all will understand why I put the words below! must watch!!

Tenacious - Tennis Shoes
Persuading - First Wedding
Associate - I saw sh*t
Chicken Nut Bread - She Cannot Breathe